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AutorenbildAnnalia Martinek


In need for change and growth 

I left what I had to leave

To bury my grief 

Under the rocks of an island far away

And build a life from scratch.

I don’t know yet whether we match,

The island and me,

But for sure I‘ll see 

When I dare to catch 

Some more waves and

Do what people do here.

“Be brave. Have no fear“, I tell myself. 

Nothing ever stays the same,

Quite the opposite appears 

To be life’s game,

And I aim to reduce

The pace for peace.

Long before this world

Started to die 

I let it die in my head

So I could at least try

To create something a little


How excited I am to live 

In this artist‘s time

Even if the Artist 

Unfortunately wasn’t mine

And I am required to shine


Nevermind, this too shall pass,

Again, nothing lasts,

And as sweet as the illusion may seem

As fleeting it is.

Oh, how I miss this 


The wine here is pretty sweet though. 

Thank you.

And a warm welcome to

My world wide website 

Where I‘ll unite 

What incites me

To continue it all.

In the meantime,

Dear folks,

Enjoy your fall! 

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Alle ansehen


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